I walked around the yard on Thursday and made an impromptu flower arrangement. Liking to get at least two purposes out of everything I posed it around the apartment for an equally impromptu photoshoot. Here, in front of my 1930s moveable butterfly toy, Tinky Winky hangs around admiring the flowers.
In front of a portrait I've created of my mom at the age of 2. It's in a vintage frame with glass and I've matted it with dried flowers. I like the mix of old and new flowers here.
This variety of dahlia is called "Pumpkin Spice" but I think "On Fire" would be better. It's gorgeous in person, and it actually grew with its back to the sun, not facing it. It don't need no stinkin' sun, lol!
Lone Cosmos plant came up on its own this year. It's right in a corner of the enclosed garden, perfectly positioned.
Large "Banarama" dahlia will be open in a day or two.
This cream dahlia is planted in front of that magenta one. I have four more plants to flower, but so far I have several different pinks, two yellows, this cream, and an orange one. They're all different shapes and sizes, too.
From the same plant, this particular one has more than a dozen flowers right now.
Like a Celestial Alignment, these dahlias and a distant sunflower stack on top of each other from this angle.
Keeping with the space theme, these dahlia blooms remind me of those Hubble photographs of many galaxies together. Some are in focus and others aren't. The light from that faraway sunflower took longer to reach my camera, lol
A pink morning glory has appeared! Here's in the morning shade.
In the sun!
The back of this morning glory, equally as interesting as the front. Bright pink is new this year.
Such a beautiful deep purple morning glory! So I have three colors this year, pink, purple, and blue. Well, there are wild white ones near them in the woods, but they're almost impossible to transplant. They grow at the bases of the wild roses with have so many thorns they're not worth getting near, lol.
The back of the purple glory has a very vivid shade not visible from the front.
I have one sunflower that made it to maturity this year.
Pointing to the future.