Cherry blossoms in town, at dusk. I love them at this stage, with some flowers fully opened and others in various stages, from tight buds to almost-open. All photos clickable thumbnails to enlarge.
Another "low view" of Pink Gardens. These bi-color daffodils complement the colors of the house perfectly.
Our large forsythia was damaged in the last blizzard. It was completely flattened by the massive heavy snowfall. It has a few flowers on it, but I think I'm going to cut it all the way down to the ground and let it grow back up again. Forsythias need to be cut back every decade or so or they stop producing enough flowers to fill in all the branches.
I grew a marigold indoors this winter! I planted some seeds in one of my potted plants in December and just this week I had my first bloom. I was so surprised it actually blossomed indoors!
This rusty-colored plant is actually my purple tradescanthia. It's an outdoors annual, but for the past four years, every October I cut several stems off of it and them root them in water for the next spring. Once they're outside and in the sunlight again, these reddish-green leaves will turn to purple and throw off small pink flowers.
A second African Violet has bloomed, my deep purple one. This plant is ten years old and the plant stretches almost fourteen inches wide!